Thursday 7 February 2013

Drowning in Essays

It's almost reading week (YAY!)
We're half-way through semester (YAY!)
I don't have midterms like most of my friends (YAY!)
I do however have 4 essays, a project and 2 tests before the break (UGH!)

While I have finished half of the essays, I have the hardest one still. Not only is my 18th century literature class one that I find the most difficult to understand, the time period that I hate the most, but also my Prof is by far the hardest marker I have ever experienced.
With the last essay I had to write for that class, I struggled and tried so hard to write the paper (having to rewrite and change the topic roughly half a dozen times) and after FINALLY getting a product that I was content with, my Prof tore it apart *sigh*
I understand I'm not in high school anymore and that Profs are hard markers, but it is kind of ridiculous.

My friend Nick went to talk to my prof before handing in his essay and she read it over and gave him pointers.
He followed all the pointers and thought he had now greatly improved his paper.
Nope. When she was marking it she then proceeded to say she hated the ideas and points that she had told him he should add.

Oh well. No use complaining about it.
Nothing to it, but to do it. UGH!

1 comment:

  1. Terrible Profs? In MY university?
    It's more likely than you think!
