Good grief.
Also work is crazy. We lost ANOTHER employee, and things are just pilling up. Literally. I come in to work and see that we have 2 full shelving carts worth of books that need to be shelved, and then there's piles and piles of shelving sitting on the receiving desk that we need to deal with also.
And there there's all the toys and clothing that need to be received. There are so many boxes that need to be put into the system that you can't move the shelving cart out of the back room, so it's difficult to do shelving, which is piling up and there's so much.
We have one of our old employees coming back upstairs (she was stolen by the downstairs people in August) but she isn't coming back until they've hired someone to replace her, and who knows when that will be.
And there are these swaddles that haven't been folded, and they're just sitting there, and each shift I've meant to fold them for about two weeks, but there's shelving, and schools, and receiving. WHAT ABOUT THE SWADDLES PEOPLE! WHO WILL THINK ABOUT THE SWADDLES!
I have a paper due on Monday about a book that I haven't read yet. So I need to magically instantly read a 200 page book so I can write the paper. But I have work tomorrow, and Sunday I'm teaching Sunday School (which I haven't even started to plan for yet), and then I have Quidditch (which I really want to go to because it's one of the few things that makes me happy lately), but I can't write my paper until I read the book, and I can't go to Quidditch unless I've read my paper, but I'm losing most of my Saturday because I'm at work all day, and then I need to plan Sunday School because I can't just show up and not have something to teach, because that would be terrible.
Do I even make sense anymore?
Know that feel girl. Try not to die.
ReplyDeleteYou've given me deja vu.
ReplyDeleteI warn about working while going to school as the two are both time sinks that demand absolute effort and attention. You can't sacrifice work without getting fired, you can't sacrifice school without getting kicked out. It's a strict clash that creates unhealthy stress levels. I understand the need to do both, but its just something to keep in mind.
Your work sounds like it's currently falling apart due to poor management. What you must bear in mind is what you have control over. You're an employee, not a manager. You should work only to your capabilities. These problems that are arising are not your concern. You can be concerned that you do not have enough manpower to keep up, but you can't hire help. Therefore you should not pick up the stress over the work you can't physically do.
I know I'm RAMBLING ON here, but to sum up all I can say is don't look at the big picture here. Focus on one thing at a time, and try to forget the irrelevant stresses.
Yes you make sense. lol.
My work is falling apart due to a shift in management. My boss recently got ill and isn't really working at the company anymore, so we've been scrambling, and things have gotten difficult, and everyone is at the breaking point right now.
DeleteAlso, while I cannot hire help, we are expected to maintain the same amount of productivity that we would have if we were fully staffed.
Mostly because the downstairs staff (and therefore the GM) have no idea what we're dealing with upstairs. My co-workers and I almost had a collective meltdown today because of stress, and customers, and schools, and everyone breathing down our necks.
Work is crazy, and I'm not sure when it'll get less crazy.
That's a bit terrifying.
DeleteOf course you're "Expected", Employers would expect you to work 12 hour days for free if they could get away with it. Employers always expect something for (as close to) nothing. Your GM SHOULD know what you're dealing with, that's why they're in that position. Being on the brink of collective meltdown is dangerous, employees should never be that stressed out at work.
I wouldn't be surprised if employee abuse cases starting popping up, or if people just started walking out. I hope if you actually enjoy this job before this crap that things get fixed before either happens. Else, hope you find somewhere better.