Sunday, 1 December 2013


I was reading the YouTube comments (I know my first mistake) on a video about how a particular British YouTuber dislikes when men wolf whistle or make her uncomfortable because they're sexually harassing her.

There was someone who had replied to a comment saying that they should be in prison and that their comment made them ill. I being curious wanted to know what it is that this guy said that so royally pissed this person off, so I clicked the view comment button (my second mistake).

I'm just going to copy the comment here, and I don't really know what else to say to it besides this person is terrible and if these are their actual opinions (and not just a troll trying to piss people off) they are horrible.

"I think women enjoy playing,"The Victim." They spend hours applying make-up,doing their hair and choosing their outfit and when they receive unwanted attention from men they cry foul and blame the entire male species for the acts of a few miscreants.Men are sexual predators in the truest sense of the word,we exist to procreate or destroy.Art,war and industry are just outlets for our lust,to deny the devil inside is to court fate.This is why there are rapes,murders and mayhem.We need to breed."



  1. You're aware of your mistakes into trekking into that dark corner of the internet lol.

    Yes people like that are real, and there are many misguided people in the world. Since the internet is everyone and anyone, you're bound to find these comments again and again. Worst part is, if they're serious, they're likely irrational and will refuse to listen to a counter-argument or reasoning. If they're not serious, then they'll use whatever counter you come up with as fuel to continue pissing you off.

    There is no win. There is only accepting stupidity and moving on.

    Just remember, there are still many rational people in the world! Proof being that person who replied!

  2. Yeah, it's gross how people like this actually exist. But, I do think there is a movement away from these kinds of attitudes and acknowledging that they are not okay. But yeah, when reading comments you've gotta be open to being super offended, particularly on videos on social issues.
