I joined the sea of over 3,500 other people and stood in formation singing our national anthem and thinking how much I love Canada and Canada day.
Winnipeg has held the title for largest Living Flag of the year for the country for the past 2 years, and we're actually on a stamp because of it! (How cool is it to know that a very very tiny picture of you is on a stamp? Not many people can say that).
After the living flag I had a bunch of friends over for a BBQ and we ran around with water guns and ate yummy food and acted goofy. We went to the park and threw the football around watched fireworks and just enjoyed the beautiful day in our beautiful country.
I love Canada Day. It actually has to be my 3rd favourite holiday (after Christmas and Halloween). I'm proud to be Canadian and I love fireworks and BBQs and just everything that goes along with the holiday.
I was thinking about how this was such a wonderful Canada Day, but I don't think it's my favourite. When I was little I was in Edmonton visiting family friends and my sisters and friends and I stood at the corner of their street with little signs that said "honk if you love Canada". It was simple. Nothing extraordinary or anything but it is such a fond memory. Nothing but my friends and the love of our country.
I hope all my Canadian readers had a good Canada day too, and if you're from somewhere else in the world, I hope you enjoy your national celebration day too. (All countries have those, right?)
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