I had just been thinking about how when I was in high school they had taken away all the junk food from all vending machines and the cafeteria to try and stop obesity.Dear principals of my school,You ban soda machines from the school, but fail to realize that there are fast food restaurants within walking distance from the school?Sincerely, A student who believes the people should choose for themselves
While I'm all for healthy living, I couldn't help but think, making sugary and fattening foods unavailable isn't really going to teach young people how to make proper decisions when it comes to their diet and that even chocolate or a can of coke is fine so long as it is in moderation.
What I found even stranger was the fact that before they had removed things like pop from the vending machines all together they just provided diet drinks instead. Perhaps research no longer indicates this, but at the time I (and many other people) were under the impression that artificial sweeteners used in diet drinks, such as aspartame, were potentially very harmful.
There's no real point to this post besides the fact that I find it funny that I was thinking essentially the same thing that this post was talking about.
Have a lovely Saturday!