Saturday, 2 March 2013

Life Scout - Ordering Books

I starting working in the children's section at a local bookstore over the summer, and adore my job. One of the cool things about how the store is organized is that each of the sections (fantasy, mystery, etc.) are divided up and become the responsibility of particular people.
This means that you are ordering in the books, restocking, and are more in charge or keeping the shelves organized than other people would be.

Because I have been working there now for over six months (crazy!) I was given two sections to be responsible for. Teen Series and Teen Mystery.

The Teen Mystery section is a rather small section that never gets a lot of action (poor Teen Mystery) but my first section I was given is actually one of the larger sections and it's amazing that it's mine! The Teen Series is usually filled with a lot of fluff (Gossip Girl, Pretty Little Liars, and the like, but there are some fun series in there such as Heist Society and The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants)
The primary responsibility of the being a section head is to just restock books that have sold out of your section, however one of the more fun parts of it is to bring in a new series.

I've had Teen Series for over a month now, and it has become my baby and I'm quite attached to it, however all I had been doing was organizing, reorganizing and restocking. Until this week.
This week I brought in a series that the store hadn't had before!

I know this doesn't sound all that exciting, but it is for me, because I'm taking on more responsibilities at work and feeling more and more comfortable there all the time and this was one of the final tasks I'd yet to do.

I really do love my job, and even when I complain about it from time to time, it is mostly because I am just stressed out and not because I am unhappy about where I am working.

So, I have earned the Book Buying Badge.
(Yes I know "buying" isn't what I meant, but c'mon, it's an alteration!)

Also, in case you didn't watch my vlog (and you really should -shameless self-promotion badge unlocked!) I'm looking for truth or dare ideas, so put those in the comments!


  1. As a recent PLL addict, I take offence to the allegation that the series is fluff :P

    1. In my opinion, I agree to the allegation. its so fluff :P

    2. It's fluff. Fluff isn't necessarily bad, but PLL is fluff never the less.
      Also, just so you're aware, the books and TV show are drastically different.
