Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Writing on the Wall

Yesterday I saw a bunch of graffiti in the bathroom in the University.
It was different that typical bathroom scrawlings however, because instead of saying things like
"Mike was here" or "JK and WC 4eva" it was a conversation.

The first note written was a girl (I'm assuming everyone was a girl since it was the girl's bathroom...) who felt like a failure when she got anything less than an A and the pressure to be perfect was getting to her.

Someone for whatever reason seemed to be unimpressed with her woe and started to talk about how they had it worse, saying that they were pressured to do well in school, work three jobs and dealing with a family member who has cancer and that this overachiever had nothing to complain about.

Some people started to talk about how they too felt pressured to be perfect and that the stress of getting into faculties or grad schools was overwhelming and that people and universities have unrealistic expectations of students.

Other people started to talk about how they too had it worse that wanting to get straight As, talking about they do were working several jobs and family members, or in some cases they themselves were sick.

But the thing that caught my attention was the people getting mad at the people who were insulting the overachievers and saying their problems are insignificant compared to their problems.
This got me thinking.

It doesn't matter what causes the pain. You may think your pain is worse or more important than someone else's. But what it comes down to, is that you are suffering and whatever causes it is irrelevant because it is felt the same way. Suffering is a universal truth.


  1. Kind of unrelated, but I just got into Birdy too! Isn't she great?

    1. She really is! It's crazy that such a powerful voice belongs to someone so small and so young.

  2. I feel awesome because I know exactly which stall you're talking about!
