Tuesday 29 May 2018

Why I Fold Cranes

It's strange to think about how you are going to die with a level of certainty.
To think about what will be the cause for you to take your last breath.
Death is by no means knocking on my door. But the cards are on the table and I feel with a level of certainty that when Death finally does come, he will take the form of cancer.

Cancer is why I fold cranes.

When I was sixteen my grandfather passed away from lymphoma.
My sister started to knit little pins.
I started to fold cranes.

My grandfather is why I fold cranes.

I could tell you about the story of Sadako.
About a young girl growing up in Japan when the atomic bombs were dropped.
A girl who folded cranes and thought of peace while she was sick. A girl who had cancer.
Sadako inspired by medium.
My grandmother gave me reason to fold when she was diagnosed with breast cancer.

My grandmother is why I fold cranes.

I have two other grandparents who fought cancer.
Breast Cancer. Prostate cancer.
They're both gone now.
They were very sick and cancer wasn't the only reason they died.
But still. More cancer.

They are why I fold cranes.

Almost a year ago to the day my dad had surgery.
Prostate cancer.
He wasn't able to go to my graduation.

My dad is why I fold cranes.

A few days after my dad we heard about my grandma.
The cancer was back. Stronger.
More deadly. Later stage.
This time in her lungs.
Her third battle with cancer.
The chemo is slowly making her waste away into nothing.

I keep folding my cranes.

Then came the phone call a few days later.
The call I wasn't meant to hear.
The call saying that something had come up in my mom's mammogram.
Surgery. Radiation.

My mom is why I fold cranes.

There are others. Friends. Family. Pets.
Too much cancer.
Too many reasons to fold cranes.

Death is by no means knocking on my door. But the reason I fold cranes is very closely linked to what seems to run in my family.
My genetics are stacked against me and I must play the hand I was dealt.
Cancer taking the people I love is why I fold cranes.