I feel that this indicates one of two things; either I am just a person who has too much stress in their life, or I only feel the need to blog when I am near breaking point.
Regardless, let's catch up, shall we?
Over the summer I was working as a research assistant and the university and started a YouTube channel about books. The YouTube channel quickly fizzled out when I got a puppy (who is adorable) and I had to spend most of my time taking care of her.
Now school has started up again and I am drowning in homework. The classes I am taking this year are actually located in schools so I can get extra hands on experience working with kids. This means that in addition to the usual essays and assigned reading I am also responsible for planning a lesson that lasts 1 1/2 hours each day.
I also am experiencing some difficulties with one of the teachers I am working with because she has decided that she will not give me any guidance because I work at a bookstore and therefore should know the answers (??????) and has also requested me to find suitable books for my other classmates that are working in the classroom, despite my professor telling her to back off (!!!!!!!)
It is also incredibly frustrating because unlike when you are at practicum and considered a part of the school community and there every day, here I am only at the schools a couple of times a week and so I don't really have access to resources the school has like the library, the art supplies, and things like that. So I've had to buy over two hundred dollars worth of books for my lessons and provide my own craft and paper products for the activities I have planned because I am expected to bring everything with me.
I also need to be working on lesson planning for my practicum classroom which I will be returning to in just over a month. I am going to be in charge of 3 different units while there so I need to start doing research, gathering lesson ideas, and reading the novel we will be doing a novel study on, and I have yet to start any of that.
Lastly I am somewhat panicked as I know that I need to be working on my application to get into publishing grad school. I have a variety of textbooks that I need to read to gain the necessary knowledge to qualify (yikes) and I also have to build a portfolio as part of my application and I have no idea what to include in that (eep).
And that is a slice of my current anxiety ridden life.