Thursday, 5 March 2015

Spontaneous Combustion

So it's been awhile... School and work have me running around like a chicken with it's head cut off (as per usual it seems).

Apparently taking a full course load, graduating, applying to after degree programs, working an average of 20 hours a week, dancing, and volunteering at my church is a recipe for disaster.
When I write all those out I cringe just at the thought of it. It's kind of insane!

As it currently stands I have 15 assignments left before the end of term, and only a little over a month to do them all. (panics) Like, no joke I have 2 assignments (minimum) due each week until I'm done. And the last week I have FOUR. In fact I have an assignment due tomorrow that I'm currently panicking that the only way to cope is to vent on here, so HI!

To top it off we are currently short staffed at work because a co-worker left at the end of December and now another co-worker is leaving for an operation. So we'll be super short staffed and there is all sorts of pressure to take on extra shifts. I (politely) told my manager no effing way because there was no way I could take on extra shifts. I felt bad because I know things will be crazy and this means that there will be more pressure put on other people who are also students, although they aren't taking as many classes as me so I feel like I should get priority (is that super selfish? probably)

Because I'm about to explode at any moment I am unable to go to the Quidditch nationals tournament in Vancouver in a few weeks which sucks because it would be so much fun, but I can't lose 4 days (and miss 2 days of classes) that close to the end of my degree.

Also I'm not sure if I told you all about my laptop woes. My beautiful purple laptop is no more, well pretty much no more. It overheats like no ones business. Seriously you could cook bacon and eggs on the bottom of it -it would be messy as hell but it was reaching temperatures of almost 40 degrees. So because of this it now turns off within about 10 minutes of me turning it on. I got one of those fancy cooling pads, but it doesn't seem to help much (or at all). So why I look into buying a new laptop I am currently limited to desktop computers and stealing my sister's laptop in the middle of the night.
I apparently have grown accustomed to being able to write papers in my bed with all my textbooks open around me and being able to take periodical naps so I can stay up all night and finish before they're due the next morning. I can't do this with the desktop computers because apparently every elevated flat surface in my house means PLACE TO STORE CRAP AND NEVER MOVE IT. Seriously, there is so much junk on the desks and tables that they are unusable. My family has turned into the family from Matilda because I don't remember the last time we ate a meal not in front of the TV (because sitting at the kitchen table would mean unearthing whatever monster is currently living on top of it). It's stupid. I've complained about it when I'm trying to do homework (at can't steal Steph's computer) but my parents are just meh about it, until I threaten to clean it up *cough* throw everything out because it's often literal garbage (like candy wrappers and old flyers)*cough* and then they freak and tell me they'll deal with it soon...

In other news I have activated my obligatory gym membership at the university and have started to use the elliptical machines. The university's new Active Living Centre is so fancy!

Anyway, back to my presentation.... *sobs*
I'll post again soon (if I'm still alive)