Wednesday, 26 March 2014


Recently an online store that sells a variety of t-shirts from different YouTubers and other internet things decided to discontinue the "ladies cut" for the shirt and make only available what they call "unisex".

I'm not happy that they made this move, as I strongly dislike the shape of unisex clothing because I think it is super unflattering, but I also just have an issue with the name "unisex" in general.

When a company calls their clothing "unisex", what they are really saying is "hey, so we decided that we're only going to stock clothing for males, but we will call it "unisex" so we don't come across as sexist".
Unisex clothing is problematic because it takes an already flawed dichotomy of gender and tries to simplify it even further. We need to account for more genders, not fewer.

I also really dislike unisex clothing because it rarely fits nicely.
Most women will have curves, yet unisex clothing is cut in a way that assumes people are shaped like boxes.
It is clothing made to fit men, and when a company refuses to sell an alternative option it is essentially saying that women aren't as important, and if they want to be considered important they should try and appear more masculine.

Another thing that is very unusual about this shift is the fact that this site sells shirts for a large variety of different YouTubers, many of which are women, have women themed content, and are marketed towards women -but now you can only buy their shirts in unisex cut. How does that make sense?

Perhaps I'm being too dramatic about this. Perhaps I'm making this into a far bigger deal that it actually is. Perhaps there is a perfectly legitimate reason as to why the ladies cut was discontinued. But I'm irritated because I would like to have the option. Finding clothing that fits can be a struggle for a lot of women and not giving them more options certainly isn't helping.
Perhaps I should finish my homework... 

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Stress Fest

Welp, it's that time of year again, and while I have fewer papers and they're better spaced out than last year, I'm actually panicking more.

Also, I've started to clench and grind my teeth while I'm awake because of the stress and can only stop when I become actively aware of it (you are now breathing manually). Plus the stress has decided to manifest in other aches and pains, like chest pains.
University stress is going to kill me, isn't it?

I'm also super pumped because I have FIVE exams this year (that's never happened to me before) so the stress won't end until April 24. Then I will collapse in a coma for the next 4 months.

Whenever I get super stressed like this I wonder why I put my body through this agony. You're supposed to take care of your body. Do things like eat right, exercise, and avoid stress, but when it comes close to essay deadlines, I spend entire weekends sitting on a couch, stuffing my face with junk food to keep myself sane, and stress myself out. Maybe it's my habits, maybe it's the stress of university, but I feel like every essay shaves off a year of my life, and I wonder if it's really worth it.
Am I being overly negative?

Ah well, time to stay up too late and work on a paper. Wish me luck, and may the markers be ever in your favour.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Gee, Mom, I want to go home

This is a parody I jut wrote of a song used in the military during WWII -that I randomly sang in choir in grade 4 (my school was weird...)
It accurately reflects my current state of mind where I feel that university is occasionally a battle field and looming due dates become the enemy.

They say that in University, courses are mighty fine,
But I'm stressed out beyond repair, I just need to unwind

Oh I don't want no more of Student life
Gee, Mom, Why'd I apply
To somewhere that makes me cry
Gee, Mom I want to go home

They say that in University, the readings are so fun,
But I haven't even had time, to do a single one

Oh I don't want no more of Student life
Gee, Mom, Why'd I apply
To somewhere that makes me cry
Gee, Mom I want to go home

They say that in University, the essays aren't so hard
Everything seems fine till you get your report card

Oh I don't want no more of Student life
Gee, Mom, Why'd I apply
To somewhere that makes me cry
Gee, Mom I want to go home

They say that in University, the social life is swell
But I can barely do homework and get some sleep as well

Oh I don't want no more of Student life
Gee, Mom, Why'd I apply
To somewhere that makes me cry
Gee, Mom I want to go home

They say that University, will help you get a job
But prolonged unemployment, I feel like I've been robed

Oh I don't want no more of Student life
Gee, Mom, Why'd I apply
To somewhere that makes me cry
Gee, Mom I want to go home