I do believe that a bit of an update on my brilliant life is in order, don't you reckon?
I have finished my second year of University and managed to get satisfactory marks, so I'm not about to go off the deep end about my failed future (thank goodness).
I have been working at my beloved bookstore faithfully so more shifts are expected to pile up as the new month rolls around.
I have also been taking a Statistics course this summer to fulfill my math requirement to gain entrance into the faculty of Education. It's scary to think that that is only 2 years away (yikes!). It is an 8:30 am course, I hate math and while my instructor is very nice she can be a bit dull at least at that unspeakable hour. (In case you didn't notice, I'm not much of a morning person).
Now you may be wondering how things are going with my beloved puppy, Shelby, as I did leave it a little cliff hanging.
She has recovered from the surgery quite fine, but unfortunately, the surgery was not a success, and she was given 2 months to live. This was in April, and it is now June, so I worry that I am running out of time with her.
Although there is evidence that all is not well, as she is having all sorts of bladder issues, her personality is still the same and for that I'm grateful. She is still my stubborn puppy and I'm cherishing every moment I have with her.
I know that time is slowly closing in on her and that likely in the not so far away future she will have to be put down, and this terrifies me to no end.
I have been debating with myself ever since I found out she was sick about whether I want to be there for this.
I want every moment possible with her, but more importantly, I don't want her to ever be scared or worried, and I feel that if I'm there with her when she's in the scary vet room and it's about to happen, I'm be able to comfort her. I know she loves me very much, and I want the last thing she sees before she passes to be something that makes her happy, not something like a vet that terrifies her.
All that being said, I'm not sure if I'm strong enough to be there for her. I know it'll be heartbreaking to watch her leave, and I've been told I'll be traumatized by the experience.
So yeah, I'm dealing with that conflict.
On the happier not make me cry as I'm posting side of things, I have been re-reading the Harry Potter series while going through Pottermore, and I forgot how much I loved these books. I knew I loved the Harry Potter franchise, but since it had been a long time since I'd read the books I was beginning to feel that perhaps it was the fan-created pieces that I enjoyed more than the actual books themselves.
It's nice to re-experience the magic again.
As always, much love, and hopefully I'll post again soon.